Spiritual Ethos

The Mission Statement of Grace College clearly states that we believe that each child entrusted to our care should be given the opportunity to develop a living and relevant faith in God, as He has revealed Himself to us in the Bible, and develop a concern for the spiritual and physical well-being of others. This implies, and is intended to imply, that the Christian dimension of Grace College is not to be seen as an option, an add-on or something nominal, but that it is the core of the reason for the school’s existence.

The Statement of Principles adopted in November 2002, makes it clear that Biblical truth informs and undergirds everything that is done at Grace College.



Appointment of practising Christians as teachers

Those applying to teach at Grace College are required to complete a form which includes questions regarding their personal relationship to Christ as well as their current involvement in the life of a local church. Every effort is made to appoint committed Christian men and women who model their faith as a “way of life”, and who are able to influence others by the way they live their lives, rather than only by what they say.

Biblical input in the curriculum

Grace College includes, in its Grade 8 & 9 curriculum, a complete survey of the Bible, as well as introductory material on why we can trust the Bible and how translations into the vernacular were made over the centuries. After Grade 8, educators are encouraged to integrate spiritual truth with their subject matter, and in fact regularly do, across the spectrum of subjects offered by Grace College.

Mentor Programme

Members of the academic staff, as well as local pastors and youth pastors are each assigned a group of learners from various grades with whom they are expected to meet on a regular basis as a group and individually. The mentor groups meet formally for 45 minutes every Friday morning. Topics relevant and pertinent to the group corporately and individually are addressed and discussed with those being mentored. Such topics are not restricted to the programmes offered by the school. The mentor is encouraged to build relationships of trust with the learner so that the learner can, if necessary, find safety, security and counsel in the mentoring relationship. The staff are encouraged to pray regularly for the members of their mentor group. This programme is expected to address and meet some of the social and spiritual needs of the learners.


Our Assemblies always include some Christian element, always including a biblical message and lesson and, at times, worship.

Homeroom devotions

On days when there is no Assembly, devotions are conducted in Register classrooms. The nature of these varies according to the individual preferences of the Register Teachers, but invariably, they include Bible reading, readings from devotional literature, or discussion on Bible-related themes.

Christian calendar

A special effort is made in Assemblies throughout the year to refer to all the major events in the Christian calendar, including Christmas, Easter, Ascension Day and Pentecost.

Additional input

There is an active Students’ Christian Association functioning in the school and every effort is made to arrange for visiting speakers, from time to time, to further enrich the lives of the pupils, both practically and spiritually. The school is visited annually by Gideons’ International and each Grade 8 pupil receives a New Testament. All graduating Matriculants receive a copy of the book, “My Utmost for His Highest” by Oswald Chambers. This provides daily readings for them to enjoy after leaving Grace College

Pastoral Care

Grace College takes responsibility for the social and emotional well-being of each pupil. The school has a responsibility to: Be available to pupils who feel the need to talk to someone.
Identify any possible social or emotional needs a pupil may have. A teacher is expected to question or approach the pupil sensitively and with circumspection  to confirm or identify any possible needs.

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