Academic Programme

The primary aim of the academic programme at Grace College is to provide the stimulus for pupils to reach their full potential academically and ultimately achieve the best results they are capable of in their final Matric Exams.
Pupils are encouraged, challenged and motivated to practice a sound work ethic and to be self-motivated and self-disciplined in their studies. The dedicated academic staff constantly assess each pupil and their achievements and discuss ways to stretch their achievements to exceed initial expectations. As pupils strive for individual academic excellence, they will acquire the skills that prepare them for a tertiary education and ultimately to be globally effective citizens.

The academic programme comprises the following:

Biblical input in the curriculum

Grace College includes, in its Grade 8 & 9 curriculum, a complete survey of the Bible, as well as introductory material on why we can trust the Bible and how translations into the vernacular were made over the centuries. After Grade 8, educators are encouraged to integrate spiritual truth with their subject matter, and in fact regularly do, across the spectrum of subjects offered by Grace College.

Extension Programmes

  • AP English
  • AP Maths

Exam Papers: 

These are analysed extensively and this offers reliable and valid statistics which help improve our teaching methods. Thinking Skills & Critical Thinking: these are tested and workshops are offered regularly as the current job market requires critical thinkers.Process of Accommodations: is closely monitored by the IEB.

Academic Strategic Plan

Grace College continually evaluates our educational programme in order to ensure that we remain at the forefront of academic development. The College is wholly committed to providing its pupils with a dynamic, individualised education that will equip them to meet the challenges that lie ahead in the 21st century.

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