New Deputy Heads announced for 2023

Deputy Announcement 2

A Letter from 2023 Headmaster, Mr Jansen

I would firstly like to thank the parent body of Grace College for the kind and motivating words on my appointment as Headmaster of Grace College. It is received with great appreciation.

As this new chapter begins, the Governing Body and I have recognised certain organisational components of the institution that can be improved upon.  A fundamental alteration to the school’s organisational structure makes room for two deputy heads. Deputy Head of Academics and Wellness and Deputy Head of Operations and Discipline will be their respective responsibilities. This new structure will ensure that certain school areas receive the necessary attention and focus, resulting in more effective operations.

A number of internal and external individuals submitted applications for these vacancies. Interviews for these two new posts were performed by a team of board members, and after much deliberation and care, I am pleased to announce the names of the two new board-appointed deputy heads at Grace College beginning in 2023.

Deputy Head Academics and Wellness: Mrs Kathryn Fannin

Mrs Fannin has been part of the Grace College staff for the past 9 years. She is currently the Grade Tutor for Grade 12 and has been the HOD for Life Orientation for the past 7 years. She has worked in the role of academic support for the past three years and has a great knowledge of the IEB systems and the academic requirements for all grades. Mrs Fannin has a passion for learner and staff wellness in this post-Covid-19 era. I have worked closely with Mrs Fannin in her capacity as Grade Tutor, HOD of Life Orientation and in her capacity as Academic Support, and I am confident and delighted in her appointment as Deputy Head of Academics and Wellness. Mrs Fannin is married to Tim, and they have four children, Tori, Kayley, Annabella and Hunter. 

Deputy Head Operations and Discipline: Mr Damon Shaw

Mr Shaw has been part of the Grace College staff for the last two years. I have known Mr Shaw in his capacity as a headmaster before he joined the Grace College staff. In this role, he is well acquainted with policy setting, accreditation and discipline processes. Mr Shaw has showcased his ability in these areas of school management with his input as a Grade Tutor for Grade 8 at Grace College. His experience in school management and in the classroom has proved his ability to lead the new portfolio at Grace College, and I look forward to working with him in his new position. Mr Shaw is a lay pastor, and his leadership in the church is of great value to Grace College in this regard. Mr Shaw is married to Sally, and they have two children, Cameron and Warren.

I am convinced that Mr Shaw and Mrs Fannin’s appointments will benefit the whole school community and that the new areas they will oversee will receive the appropriate attention. I am delighted to be working with them in their new roles and look forward to the strides they are going to make in the school community.

Mr Henko Jansen

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