
Amidst huge hugs and the tolling of the new bell-tower, which was a gift to the school from this years’ matriculants, goodbyes were said at the Grace College Valediction Service. Head Boy of Grace College, Carl Brann, gave a moving speech which acknowledged the strong foundations built as a result of the high quality staff who he dubbed the ‘Construction Crew’. Carl received The Leadership Award, the Sologuard Cultural Award and was runner up to Dux Scholar. Grace College’s Head Girl, Rochelle Van Wyk spoke about the incredible growth amongst her peer group over their years together and both Heads declared the Class of 2017 to be well prepared to complete their finals and take on new challenges and adventures in 2018. Congratulations to all the prize winners and especially our Dux Scholar of 2017; Rochelle Van Wyk, who also received the Headmaster’s Award. Picture: Mr Vincent Luksich (Headmaster at Grace College with Rochelle Van Wyk (Dux of 2017).

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